This is the best album of disco group T- Connection.
Representative songsfrom 70 's to 80 's were selected in this album .
Light sound and beautiful vocals are striking!
I got this album because there was a song featuring Philip Bailey.
" Love Odyssey"was originally recorded in album "The Game of Life" in 1993 .
But I couldn't get that ,so I got his best album.
This is excellent excited music with harmoniy of T - Conection and Philp Bailey!
1. Do What You Wanna Do
2. Disco Magic
3. On Fire
4. Everything Is Cool
5. Groove City
6. A Little More Love
7. Party Night
8. Girl Watching
9. Tonight's the Night
10. Love Odyssey (Love Shines Forever)
11. Take It to the Limit
12. You Can Feel the Groove
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