The Japanese band formed with 6 menber centering on vocalist Kaita Nose.
I heard that they sent a demonstration tape to the overseas VIP producer one by one in case of every debut...,
Maurice White ,one of them, gave an interest in them.
We can see the pictures of Maurice White and members at the leaflet of this album.
Bill Meyers also jioned the production.
Maurice White and Bill Meyers concernd iwith Kaita in arrangement of all songs of this album.
But most of these songs are In Japanese taste.
I didn't get away to like so much except for 1 song.
But I infer that there are talented musicians because it's to the extent it's captivated by Maurice.
Only "Looking For Love"was the composition of Maurice and Bill.
Only this song fits my taste as expected, and I like very much!
Maurice White also participated in a background vocal in this song!
But I could't distinguish between Maurice's voice well in this song.
1. メロディ (Melody)
2. 寒い夜 (Cold Night)
3. ルッキング・フォー・ラヴ (Looking For Love)
4. 二十歳のソウル (Soul Of 20's)
5. 月の夜でもレゲエっぽく (Play Like Reggae Even In A Night In Moon)
6. いい感じ (Good Feeling)
7. 笑わずにきいて (Listen To Me Without Laughing)
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